Oct 29, 2009

Sekinchan, Selangor

My Makan Gang 4 of us went up to Sekinchan in a trip last week organized by Chin. The rest of us includes Chin(our organizer cum photographer), Sumi, Dominic, Hew & Me.

Sekinchan is a small town located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Sekinchan is the one of the major rice producing areas of Malaysia.

We met up at Sri Petaling and had our breakfast together. After 1 1/2 hours journey from Kuala Lumpur and reached Sekinchan around 9.30am.

Sekinchan is a little town in the middle of the main rice-bowl of Selangor

Without wasting any time we pulled over to snap our 1st photo on a wooden bridge.

Sekinchan is also famous of local fruits such as corns, merah jambu & mangoes i.e "Golden Dragon - Jin Long" . You will see lots of roadside stalls offering those fruits.

Sekinchan p
hoto's collections. :P

We enjoyed our lunch here with local famous dishes "Shark Meat Soup". The soup tasted with salted vegetable and came with shark's fillet, fish balls, tofu, tom
atoes. The soup is so typical "Teohchew". We enjoyed every drop of the sweet and tangy broth.

Another Sekinchan special dish name "Chilli Shrimps" it was shrimps all chopped up and cooked with chilli paste. Spicy and aromatic, goes well with rice. Yes ! We top up another plate. Hehehe !

The others dish we ordered was a house specialty as well. Total of 7 dishes we ordered only cost us RM85++

After lunch, we decided to buy some local famous produce i.e Mangoes and Har Beng(Kuala Selangor). We bought 60 sweet "Golden Dragon - Jin Long" mangoes and 6 Super Huge sour mangoes :) Never leave Sekinchan & Kuala Selangor without your car's compartment full, :P

We enjoyed a day trip in Sekinchan & Kuala Selangor with full of joyed & tired but worth it and we head back where we came from.

Goodbye Sekinchan, it was a pleasure trip.